Title: Minnesota Stories
Subtitle: A Collection of 28 Fiction Stories About the State We Love
Compiled by Women of Words
Publication date: 07/06/2022
A collection of 28 fiction stories with a Minnesota flair from the creative authors of Women of Words. These stories range from prose to romance, mystery, adventure, and science fiction. You’ll be charmed, entertained, and inspired by this collection of the characters and sites of our Minnesota home.
- Mary Kay Crawford
- Lisa Carmichael
- Teresa Foushee
- Alana Faulk
- Kathleen J. Pettit
- Christine Kelly
- Judith F. Brenner
- Colleen Baldrica
- Gloria Fredkove
- Kathi Holmes
- Karen Engstrom Anderson
- Connie Anderson
- Midge Bubany
- Janice Strootman
- Nadia Giordana
- Tammy Laurent
- Lynn Garthwaite
- Betty Brandt Passick
- Kathy Allen
- Ann Aubitz
About the Authors:
In 1997, five women met around a kitchen table, talking about writing over lunch. They were writing books about business, poetry, their lives, or their passions.
These women became friends and strong support for each other. Then one asked if she could bring a writer friend to the group—and so did others. Quickly, this small but growing group decided to move to a restaurant. Each visitor brought new life and a new story. Those who cherished the group felt a strong connection and started sharing. Soon you could see the kinship reverberate throughout this new sisterhood.
Such was the modest beginning of our writer's group that eventually became WOW–Women of Words. “Wow” is what we often shout when we hear a great story or a good idea. At monthly meetings, WOW women willingly share their victories—and just as readily share their mistakes, with the belief that we help each other most with our honesty.
978-1-952976-74-2 paperback
978-1-952976-75-9 ebook
978-1-952976-76-6 hardcover
Minnesota Stories Compiled by Women of Words
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