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KIRK HOUSE PUBLISHERS—IN THE AUTHOR'S CORNER The Practicing Life by Sally Howell Johnson

Title: The Practicing Life Subtitle: Simple Acts. Sacred Living Author: Sally Howell Johnson   We live our lives at speeds that keep us from noticing and embracing the movement of the Sacred in the midst of the whirlwind. Many people search for a way they can stop, be present, take a deep breath to remember the bigger story of which we are all a part. The Practicing Life: Simple Acts. Sacred Living offers insight and inspiration for a connection of mind, body, spirit. This is a practice that can bring joy, peace, and an attention to the sacred in the everyday.

Some books are truly a blessing from the Holy Spirit; a sure proof in life that the Divide is part and parcel of the ordinary and extraordinary. And The Practicing Life is certainly and definitively one. Here is a deep testimony as to the truth of one woman's heartfelt relationship with God. This treasure trove of imaginative insights, stories, Celtic prayers, careful citations and pragmatic teaching practices is an indispensable guidebook for all searchers and seekers of a deeper discerning meaning in their practicing life. --Nóirin Ní Riain, Ph.D., Irish singer and author of Theosany: Towards a Theology of Listening Sally Howell Johnson s The Practicing Life is a delicious fare of spiritual, poetic, and insightful writings. They have a way of opening up the reader's eyes to both the life around us as well as within us. Sally s use of poetry in her writings cause the reader to immediately slow down and ponder. But her own writing is poetic too, providing new metaphors and rhythms. The practices at the end of each reflection suggest a practice for each mediation, expanding one's repertoire for practicing life. --Bishop Sally Dyck, United Methodist Church, Northern Illinois Conference Are you a spiritual explorer? Are you looking for a personal connection to the Divine? Take The Practicing Life on your journey. It will guide you to your destination. --David McNally, author: Even Eagles Need a Push and The Eagle s Secret

About the Author

Sally Howell Johnson is a former Minister of Worship and Spiritual Formation at Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is the author of Barefoot Zone: Walking the Spiritual Path.

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